4 Quotes & Sayings By Chana Levitan

Chana Levitan is the author of the New York Times bestseller, "What Would Chana Do?" She is a popular blogger on the Huffington Post and has been featured on Good Morning America, The Today Show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, and on many other television networks. As a public speaker, she has been a keynote speaker for organizations such as the National Press Club and AARP. In addition to her work as a writer, Chana is an accomplished motivational speaker who has received rave reviews at numerous speaking engagements. She is an active member of Toastmasters International and leads her own speaking business called C-LEVITAN SPEAKS!

True respect means accepting someone and honoring his or her thoughts and feelings. Chana Levitan
No matter how great the initial chemistry is, if your values are on two different pages, the odds of your marriage working decrease significantly. Chana Levitan
Indeed, infatuation thrives on image (while love thrives on knowledge). Chana Levitan